601-707-7726 info@excelby5.com

Biloxi Get Involved


“We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say “It’s not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem.” Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes.”
― Fred Rogers

As parents, educators, child care providers, community leaders, spiritual advisors and responsible members of the community, our responsiblilty is to provide for our children.  We must make availabe to our children and parents the following services:  educational community events; health and safety information; educational workshops; and resources for parents.

To get involved with Biloxi Excel By 5 and make a difference in young children’s lives, contact Susan Hunt at the Biloxi Family Resource Center located on the Lopez Campus.  Her number is (228) 297-6808 or susan.hunt@biloxischools.net.


Interested in touching the lives of our future leaders?

It takes just one commitment; one caring adult…..Be the one!

  • Platinum Sponsor ($5,000)
  • Gold Sponsor ($2,500)
  • Silver Sponsor ($1,000)
  • Bronze Sponsor ($500)