601-707-7726 info@excelby5.com

Frequently Asked Questions

Who do I contact to learn more about Excel By 5?

Contact the state office at 601-707-7726.

How long does it take for a community to become certified?

The normal timeframe is two years, however, this will vary based on how well the community is organized and what resources currently exist.  The minimum amount of time required is 12 months.

How does Excel By 5 define a community?

A community can be defined as a city, town, county or other designated boundaries.  The local persons who wish to pursue this certification can decide the makeup of their coverage area.  In many cases this might be along school district, city or county boundaries.

How much does it cost to join Excel By 5?

There is no cost to the state Excel By 5 organization to join Excel By 5.  However, the community may incur some cost locally during the certification process.  These funds can be raised through community contributions or in-kind services.  The actual cost will vary from location to location.  This topic along with restrictions will be discussed at the initial informational meeting(s) and the first formal coalition meeting.

What is the Lead Support Partner?

Excel By 5 requires each coalition to have a Lead Support Partner to provide guidance to the community Excel By 5 coalition. The roles and resposnsibilites of this partner will be determined and documented through a memorandum of understanding with the coaltion.

What is the Lead Fiscal Support Partner/Agency?

Excel By 5 requires a lead fiscal support partner be in place to handle the fiscal aspects of the coalition.  In most cases the coalition will not be considered a legal entity, therefore in order to solicit and distribute funds a lead fiscal agency must be identified and be registered with the Mississippi Secretary of State’s office.  The bylaws which will be put in place by the coalition should reflect the method and responsibility of handling funds and in-kind services.

Who needs to be on the Community Coalition?

The Community Excel By 5 Coalition should have representation from the local school district(s), Businesses, Health Care organizations, Child Care Providers, Head Start agencies, School District(s), community organizations, faith based organizations, city officials and the media.  A list of suggested participants can be found at “Suggested Coalition Members“.  The minimum size of the coalition ranges from 3 to 15 members.  The size depends on the population of the community.

Are communities required to have dedicated events for children ages 0-5?

Most of the communities are required to have events focusing on children ages 0-5.  Depending upon population size this may or may not include a community-wide family event, school readiness event and health fair.  We encourage communities to collaborate with other organizations and partner with existing events.

We're interested, so what next?

Contact the state office at 601-707-7726 and Excel By 5 staff will set up a meeting with the interested parties to explain the basics of Excel By 5 and the steps necessary to become a certified early childhood community.

After becoming certified, what next?

Certification is awarded for a three period.  After receiving the initial certification the community continues their efforts based on the initial certification requirements.  The Excel By 5 staff will monitor community activity during the third yard and grant re-certification upon satisfactoy completion of requirements.  The goal is to create momentum in the community to continue all efforts and activities.

If you have additional questions please contact the state office at 601-707-7726 or submit your question by email to info@excelby5.com